Here Come the Trainzes!

Super Sessions for Trainz Railroad Simulator


These movies are screen captures of our Super Sessions. The only editing we did, was to add some subtitles here and there, to provide some background information that you'd normally (be able to) gather when running the session in TRS, but of course cannot in a mere movie.

They are not intended as stand-alone end results, but to give you an impression of what you might see when running these sessions in TRS.

Obviously, when creating such movies, a lot of quality is lost, as compared to running the actual thing on the best possible hardware. The screen-capture software adds load to the CPU, GPU and more; editing and saving is lossy; TRS is written for Intel, yet we run this on a M1, which requires our machine to rewrite the Intel instructins to Apple Silicon instructions in real-time… Plus, different versions of TRS have different bugzes, or advantages. To get the 'best' (as defined by multiple factors) possible result, different Super Sessions were recorded in different versions of TRS. Some in TRS19 SP3, others in TRS19 SP5, yet others in TRS22 SP2. Each with different settings.

In other words, these movies tell you very little about rendering quality, except that things'll render better when running the actual session, on decent hardware, in the ideal version of TRS, with ideal settings.

Having said all that, of course if we didn't feel that these movies give a decent impression, we wouldn't have published them.

Busy time at Pohraničie

filmed in TRS19 SP5, posted 2024-08-13

A busy scene at Pohraničie, which sees 8 of its 9 tracks used; 4 locomotives shunting virtually simultaneously (given the limit of a single camera position, you cannot see, but can hear that also the Bardotka and ET22 are). Note that none of this is planned. These trains just happen to encounter each other at this place, at this time.

A ČSD E669 on a roundtrip through Czechia, Poland and Slovakia

filmed in TRS19 SP5, posted 2024-07-07

This movie shows one possible version of one iteration of one of many scenarios contained in our Super Session "Here Come the Trainzes at Central Europe Mini", which is built atop the route "Central Europe Mini" by SlovakEagle, yuz6099 and ZiuT/Cebar3